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"Be still and clear, raise your frequency to that of whatever you want, then it will approach you."

                                      —  "A Little Light On The Spiritual Laws" by Diana Cooper


Following on from the amazing success of adding the Healy Professional Resonance treatments to the Body/Emotion Code and Graced treatments, there is now on offer an alternative cost-effective treatment of the Healy frequency alone.  To learn more about the Healy Device, click this link:




Those who register for each 5-day session will receive at a designated time, the frequency bundle selected to resonate directly affecting that particular focus- that means it will ‘fill the holes, straighten the distortions, and raise the level of frequencies that pertain to that treatment.

Each day the treatments will be sent at the same time and last about an hour.

You will receive a text 5-10 minutes before the session to alert you to prepare. That means find a quiet place, meditate, and be receptive to the treatment. Repeat an affirmation that directly address your desire for focus.

(This is for the best impact. Second best is resting/sleep. Third is conscious but pre-occupied.)












Consider devoting this month to yourself and take advantage of the Quantum Healing Bootcamp devoted to weight issues.


Combine this work with an intensive physical, dietary, and emotional wellbeing effort to challenge your status quo state of health and weight issues.


Decide now to focus on getting the physical state aligned, once and for all.


If you have not been following the amazing work of QUANTUM BOOTCAMP,

learn more here.


For the best results, get the diet program you want under wraps. Go get that gym/workout trial period/commitment process booked, and combine it  with a month of focused Quantum frequencies to make one total move toward a healthy life.


This month’s Quantum Healing Clean Out and Weight Loss Program will be segmented weekly, but its effect is cumulative, making it advisable to commit to the entire month:



WEEK 1 (starting 31 Jan to  4th February)

Designed to support key organ systems, and working with the energetic root cause of stagnation.

Weight issues mean you have inflammation. Toxins, whether environmental, consumed, or emotional, create a state of inflammation that, when the strength reaches a certain threshold, short circuits the excretion systems (breath, skin, colon, urinary) forcing the body to tuck it away as fat and adipose tissue. This creates baggage intended to be released ‘someday’. When it is released, the same system has to deal with getting rid of it, creating another potential state of inflammation.  Unless those excretion systems are functioning better, yo-yo results ensue. Here is how to kick start the end of that cycle:

Day 1: DEEP CLEANSE 1; The Deep cycle addresses kidneys and lungs which are energetically stimulated.  Hypersensitivity can be reduced and balance increased.

Day 2:  DEEP CLEANSE 2: A more intense application of the same addresses what remains of kidney and lung stagnation, and ventures into heart blockages.

Day 3:  DEEP CLEANSE 3  A step up into an even more piercing detox that affects not only the kidneys, lungs, and heart - but adds an all over accelerated energetic detoxification.

Day 4: LOWER WEIGHT: Intense 90 minute program that fluctuates in power to address excess weight.

Day 5; CLEAN ALL - A flushing detoxification as an energetic support for all the detoxification pathways. Releases old toxins from the energetic body and mind. Complete energetic detoxification of various systems, such as kidneys, lungs, liver, digestive system, lymph, and circulation system.



WEEK 2 (starting 7 February to 11 February)

Day 1: DIGEST ALL: Address digestive issues that block further progress (powerful if stomach issues continue even after the kidney cleanse, which also focuses on disintegrating emotions that are generated by the kidneys, mainly fear and anxiety).


Add the frequencies of probiotics and prebiotics into the program, along with many other healthy youth-giving frequencies that help establish a balanced microbiome for a healthy life!

It contains the frequencies of:

15 probiotic strains, including Bifidobacterium x3, Lactobacillus x5, Lactococcus x2, Streptococcus x1

2 prebiotics: Dextrine + Inulin

The TriThalamic tones that contribute to the functioning of the pituitary, hypothalamus + epifyse parts of the brain

3 skin toning minerals: MSM,  Magnesium  + Platinum

Youth giving remedies: Coenzyme Q10 + Collagen + Hyaluronic acid

Vital energy stimulation, over 150 additional frequencies based on energy


Amino Acids are the building blocks of life and without them we lose muscle, vitality, immunity, cell functions, and overall digestive failure.

With a healthy diet all essential amino acids should be ingested, but how well you process them is often a concern. There are at least 9 essential amino acids that humans cannot synthesize and need in their diet:

Lysine 433 Hz: cold sore protection, performance enhancement, collagen production.

Glutamine 371 Hz: immune system, providing cell ‘fuel’, increased nutrient absorption.

Leucine 384 Hz: ATP production, tissue regeneration, protein synthesis, muscle growth.

Fenylalanine 393 Hz: relaxing, pain reduce, skin health.

Valine 380 Hz: muscle regeneration, liver support, digestive health.

Methionine 372 Hz: anti-oxidant, heavy metal detox, wound healing.

Histidine 975 Hz: allergy relief, kidney support, fat metabolism.

Isoleucine 386 Hz: sugar metabolism, energy booster, lean body mass.

Threonine 389z: nervous system support, muscle and bone strength.


The Frequencies of  Neurotransmitters in this program: There are 5 very important neurotransmitters that support our dynamic balance of mind and body.

Their frequencies:

Serotonin: ‘the mood elevator’,  increased saturated feeling, focus.

Melatonin: ‘the healer overnight’, better recovery, anti-oxidant, sleep cycle improvement.

Acetylcholine: healthy muscles, better cell communication, increased body awareness.

GABA: ‘the nerve & brain relaxer’, anti-stress, better recovery, anxiety & pain relief.

Dopamine: ‘the motivator’, helps bodily movements, feelings of reward, feelings of reward and happiness.

DAY 4: LOWER WEIGHT : Intense 90-minute program that fluctuates power to address excess weight.

DAY 5: PURE CALM - Contributes to inner peace, emotional, and spiritual balance. Energetic muscle relaxation.



WEEK 3: ( 14 February to 18 February)

Energizing on a cellular level encourages the throwing off of waste matter, stagnant emotions, and blocks to cleansing. This week increases the cleanse to allow cells to increase their rate of functioning, resulting in a more powerful metabolism.


Kidney, adrenals, bladder, urinary system, ovaries, genitals, prostate and related bioenergetic problems: Energetically supports kidneys or kidney energy and promotes their ability to regulate electrolytes, pH etc., or for any symptom that originates from this “superior organ” and manifests itself in the “subordinate organ”, such as energetic problems with the bladder, urinary system, ovaries, and vagina, menstruation with women or prostate and impotence with men. This program aims to bio-energetically support the kidneys and the sexual organs for men and women. The acupuncture point K5 to K6 (below the ankle on the inside of the foot) can be rubbed to further activate during this treatment.

DAY 2: FATTY DEGENERATION - Energetic regulation of cell uptake. Cellular uptake and release creates live cells to examine the effects of compounds on receptor or transporter systems. It is immensely important to protect intracellular components, maintain cell homeostasis, confer structural support, and retain the composition of the cell.

DAY 3: LOWER WEIGHT expert program: Intense 90 minute program that fluctuates intensity to address excess weight.

DAY 4:  PURIFICATION:  Cleans the energy field of the organism to recover from the bioenergetic effect of environmental pollutants, toxins, an unhealthy diet, negative emotions, limiting beliefs, and other negative factors.

DAY 5: FREE FLOW - To energetically support the circulation and the supply of oxygen to the cells. Even an irregular and unsteady heartbeat can be energetically supported by this protocol. It is suitable for use after basic kidney and lung balancing, as well as for general energetic stiffness and circulatory blockages. In addition to supporting the heart and circulation, it can bio-energetically promote muscle relaxation.



WEEK 4: (21 February to 25 February)

Regularly scheduled fitness programs  produce balanced physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It is essential to maintain a healthy, centered energy field inside and outside of ourselves.This combination of frequency bundles is suitable for those wanting to make movement a daily occurrence intending to remain active into old age. It is more effective to have followed the above weeks of treatments to make the most of this push for exercise motivation  - once the system is cleansed, you will be more prepared to function in a high-level workout:

DAY 1: BRAIN MOTIVATION: powerful blast of frequencies that deal with avoiding procrastination, increasing focus and mental agility, and creatively conquering mathematical and language skills.

DAY 2: CIRCULATION/MOVEMENT: Harmonization of the bioenergetic field needed for the demands of exercise.

DAY 3: LOWER WEIGHT Intense 90-minute program that fluctuates in power to address excess weight.

DAY 4: MUSCLE BALANCE: Harmonization of the bioenergetic field for muscle recovery after a powerful series of workouts.

DAY 5: FREE FLOW - To energetically support the circulation and the supply of oxygen to the cells. Even an irregular and unsteady heartbeat can be energetically supported by this protocol. It is suitable for use after basic kidney and lung balancing, as well as for general energetic stiffness and circulatory blockages. In addition to supporting the heart and circulation, it can bio energetically promote muscle relaxation.




Week 1 February 28- March 4th:           

            Day 1.   Purify the skin - Purify the skin Harmonization of skin impurities in the bioenergetic field

            Day 2.   Systemic cleanse - Harmonization of the skin regeneration in the bioenergetic field

            Day 3.   Supplement skin treatment - Harmonization of the bioenergetic field of the skin

            Day 4.   Skin balancing - Harmonization of the bioenergetic field to relax your expressions

            Day 5.  Inner beauty - Harmonization of the coherence and expression of the bioenergetic field



Week 2 march7- 11

            Day 1.   Skin balance Harmonization of the bioenergetic field to relax your expressions

            Day 2.   Hair health - this is a range of varied frequencies that balance and calm the area around the skull, making the flow of energy more smooth and calm. Be sure to hydrate before and after sessions to allow transmission and the removal of toxins

            Day 3.   Nails treatment -- Harmonization of the bioenergetic field of the nails.

            Day 4.   Hormonal balance -- Harmonization of the bioenergetic field of the hormonal balance meridian

            Day 5.   Inner beauty -- Harmonization the coherence and expression of the bioenergetic field.



Week 3 February 14-18             

             Day 1.   Toxin cleanse -  Harmonization of the bioenergetic field of the excretory processes (lungs, colon,                              skin). Be sure to hydrate well.

             Day 2.   Liver cleanse - Harmonization of the bioenergetic field of the liver:
                          - Bile production and excretion.
                          - Excretion of bilirubin, cholesterol, hormones, and drugs.
                          - Metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
                          - Enzyme activation.
                          - Storage of glycogen, vitamins, and minerals.
                          - Synthesis of plasma proteins, such as albumin, and clotting factors.

             Day 3.   Intestinal balance - Harmonization of the bioenergetic field of the small and large intestine                                      meridians.

             Day 4.   Probiotic balanceThe ‘fountain of youth’ is found in our guts. This program integrates many                                      frequencies found in the probiotics and prebiotics of a healthy gut:
                         - 15 probiotic strains, with their family names like: Bifidobacterium x3, Lactobacillus x5,                                         Lactococcus x2, Streptococcus x1
                         prebiotics: Dextrine + Inulin
                         - TriThalamic alignment: pituitary, hypothalamus + epifyse
                         - Minerals: MSM + Magnesium + Platina (perfect skin toning mix)
                         - Health giving remedies: Coenzyme Q10 + Collagen + Hyaluronic acid
                        Vital energy bundle stimulates  over 150 frequencies blasting the  Probiotic bioenergetic system.

              Day 5.  Amino Acid balance - 

                   Amino Acids are the building blocks of life and without them we lose muscle,                                                      vitality, immunity, cell functions, and overall digestive failure.
                        With a healthy diet all essential amino acids should be ingested.
                        There are at least 9 essential amino acids that humans cannot synthesize and need in their diet.                              Here their frequencies are implemented for better overall vitality.

                    AMINO ACIDS:
                       - Lysine 433hz: cold sore protection, performance enhancement, collagen               production.
                       - Glutamine 371hz: immune system, providing cell ‘fuel’, increased nutrient                                                         absorption.
                      - Leucine 384hz: ATP production, tissue regeneration, protein synthesis, muscle                                                    growth.
                      - Fenylalanine 393hz: relaxing, pain reduce, skin health.
                      - Valine 380hz: muscle regeneration, liver support, digestive health.
                      - Methionine 372hz: anti-oxidant, heavy metal detox, wound healing.
                      - Histidine 975hz: allergy relief, kidney support, fat metabolism.
                      - Isoleucine 386hz: sugar metabolism, energy booster, lean body mass.
                      - Threonine 389hz: nervous system support, muscle and bone strength.

                 There are 5 very important neurotransmitters that support our dynamic balance of                   mind                         and body. Their frequencies are implemented into this program:

                 - Serotonin: ‘the mood elevator’,  increased saturated feeling, focus.
                 - Melatonin: ‘the healer over night’, better recovery, anti-oxidant, sleep cycle                                                       improvement.
                - Acetylcholine: healthy muscles, better cell communication, increased body                                                        awareness.
                - GABA: ‘the nerve & brain relaxer’, anti-stress, better recovery, anxiety & pain                      relief.
                - Dopamine: ‘the motivator’, helps bodily movements, feelings of reward, feelings                 of reward                     and happiness.



Week 4 MARCH 21 - 25             

             Day 1. Viral treatment - contributes to the disintegration of present and past viral infections

             Day 2. Shedding - removes absorbed toxins from others

             Day 3. Vax damage - from the recent to past stored toxins from vaxes

             Day 4. Immune system boost - energies the immune system to fight re-infections

             Day 5. Wellbeing: a full body treatment to enhance frequencies of peace and calm in the body leading to               recovery.



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