a personal session
Booking a personal session starts with a decision about your most pivotal issue.
Would you say you feel there are traumas, physical challenges, past tense issues, or possibly ancestral reasons for this imbalance? In this case, a Body Code and Emotion Code session would be most suitable for your healing. Both work together to remove blocks, imbalances, and injuries of the body, mind, and soul.
If instead, you feel you are more goal-orientated, where designing the future you want is more important, Graced treatments identify the frequency or feeling you need and we remove the block(s) that are keeping you from living in that state of being.
If the sense of balance is what you want, a Healy device reads what is missing or distorted in your energy field and rebalances that. The principles of this device are based on Tesla energy fields and the treatments provide a wide range of healing.
You may decide to have an in-depth session involving all three treatment dimensions. This is a 55-minute session and is more than the sum of its parts in terms of the depth of understanding possible and the healing gained.
I also offer an Annual Program that is incredibly effective for healing or raising your level of consciousness. Weekly appointments are either a Zoom meeting or can be remote sessions as the client determines.
Each week we do an in-depth treatment, including a Body Code/Emotion Code/ and/or Graced treatments (however deemed most useful at the time) and a Healy treatment of choice for 55 minutes each.
In addition, there can be three Healy treatments of whatever choice (aura, coaching, or resonance) outside of the session during that week.
Sessions may be shared with one other person; otherwise, they are not transferrable.
Please contact me for more information.
a. Body Code and Emotion Code Treatments address blocks and traumas; both emotional, physical, and spiritual.
b. Graced Treatment identifies the future you want and removes the blocks keeping you from manifesting it.
c. A Quantum Device is used to scan for frequencies that are distorted, blocked, or missing in your body, mind, and spirit. Included is an Aura scan and an an18-page detailed report on the functioning of your chakras.
d. Annual Program
1. Apple Pay. Please use dianepfister at (@) All currencies are accepted. After payment, please follow the booking button below and choose "Zelle, Apple Pay, or Gift session" option to bypass the credit card form. Please email me with just a few sentences on what you want to work on.
2. Zelle: USA bank holders can also use: Zelle. My account is diane at(@)
If you don't have this app - you should consider getting it. It is rated the no. 4 best financial app on Apple. You can use it with friends as well. Check it out: Then, follow the instructions below to access the calendar. After payment, please follow the booking button below and choose "Zelle, Apple Pay, or Gift session' option to bypass the credit card form. Please send me an email with just a few sentences on what you want to work on.
3. For the United Kingdom or others, you may deposit via this account:
Diane Pfister
sort code 40-47-63
acc. 14283023
Then, follow the instructions below to access the calendar. After payment, please follow the booking button below and choose "Zelle, Apple Pay, or Gift session' option to bypass the credit card form. Please email me with just a few sentences on what you want to work on.
4. The least desired option is to use Stripe (credit & debit cards) booking.
Please follow the instructions starting by clicking the booking button below.
Payments are transferrable, but not refundable.
PAYMENT OPTIONS: If you are computer challenged and want me to help you book, please send an email. If the issue is urgent, please contact me to arrange an earlier or alternative time from what is available.