The Healy is a bio-resonance tool that works to support your body's energetic field and promote deep cellular healing.
Reduced cell voltage occurs in almost all cases of acute and chronic dis-ease. Reduced cell voltage causes the cell's internal metabolic processes to malfunction leading to disease. The Healy helps restore equilibrium through the use of resonant frequency waves. It works to stimulate and restore optimum cellular function with the use of very specific, harmonic energetic currents.
The Healy is a small, very complex piece of equipment. Using precise frequencies and low-intensity currents, Healy works to reverse the process of decreasing cell voltage by restoring the natural voltage of the cell membrane. Compromised cells lead us to experience a debilitating range of different symptoms, such as the inability to concentrate, learning difficulties, stress/burnout, physical diseases and illness, slow recovery from injury, cellulite, skin breakouts, and mental health challenges, and emotional instability. This video from the Healy Analyzer shows the microscopic before and after effect on clotting blood after a one-hour treatment with the Healy program: Immune System.
Healy's Effect On Body Cells
A cell is the smallest building block in every organ of your body. You have about 70 trillion of them in your body, that is 70 million! The number of cells in your body is 4,000 times larger than the world population!
Each of your cells contains this entire blueprint for all other body cells, with each cell having a data memory of approximately 2 gigabytes. The structure and internal functioning of every one of your cells are largely the same. The cell nucleus is the boss, the mitochondria as power plants, the ATP as energy storage, the endoplasmic reticulum as the intestine, the Golgi apparatus as an enzyme producer, and the cell membrane as the outer shell that holds everything together.
Healy increases adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production by up to +500%, amino acid transport by up to +40%, and protein synthesis by up to +70%. This defines Healy as a reload for fitness and strength training that is unique. Regeneration after exercise is up to +800% faster with the use of Healy frequency therapy.
Now, while having the amazing BC/EC and Graced treatments, I can connect you to a quantum frequency scanner and balance underlying energy imbalances in your body, mind, and energy field. It takes only a few minutes to set up and it will run concurrently with our normal work. This system works by scanning the functioning of YOU via your energetic resonance and determines what the ideal healthy blueprint of your cell construction should be. Then it works like a tuning fork to resonate those frequencies to their ideal state. When you have a treatment, first, we clear toxins in the highest priority in your body. Then we establish health in a bioenergetic field called ‘Care’. After that, we go through the layers of energy fields (spiritual, emotional, physical, energetic, etc) to achieve balance. Follow this link to my website for a more detailed explanation of how it works.
Once the cleanse has been scanned and found to be at a normal level, we can move on to specifically focused treatments. There are 150+ standard treatments listed on my website
Please don’t be limited by these suggested applications. I am constantly creating more programs of treatments, specific to my clients’ needs and what is happening in the world.
COVID-19 infections or flu, testing, and vaccine imbalances
I have devised a bundle of frequencies that combine over twenty of the top supplements suggested for flu, covid, or inflammation of the lungs. It includes the frequencies of Dr. Zelenko’s protocol including Ivermectin and crucial other ingredients.
Pure treatment - The Pure program is the ideal starting point for treatments. It contributes to the balance of the organism’s (human, animal, or plant) energy field to recover from the effects of environmental pollutants, toxins, an unhealthy diet, and other negative factors. Pure treatment clears the pathways for inner clarity.
Care treatment - This treatment strengthens your energy field so that you are more aligned to establish health through appropriate exercise, healthy nutrition, and pure water. A weakened bioenergetic field contributes to many acute and chronic diseases. By establishing an alignment to positive patterns of healthy behavior, Care treatment can create that discipline.
Balance treatment - The fine balance of the various bodily functions is very important for our well-being and health. Balance treatment refers to contributing to the bioenergetic health in the kidneys, circulation system, lymphatic system, and hormones, amongst others. Balanced systems lead to a deep bioenergetic balancing of the body‘s energy field.
Being treatment - Soul communication. Being contributes to establishing emotional balance from the inside, regardless of what is going on around you.
Energy treatment - Performance needs support. No matter whether you are a well-trained competitive athlete, a stressed-out manager or an overwhelmed mother, an Energy treatment should help you to bio energetically deal with what is keeping you out of balance.
Relax treatment - Relax means achieving being without stress. Stress is often the cause of hyperacidity and imbalances in the body. The imbalances caused by chronic stress is attributed to the development of many diseases. An overwhelmed life with little time for reflection keeps many of us from letting go of our daily challenges and stress. Relax treatment takes each element of imbalance back to a level of resonance that is healthy, calm and focused.
Release treatment - There are many different causes of pain. For example, pain can be a symptom of hyperacidity of tissue inflamed from chemicals, food, stress, anxiety, etc. Regardless of the cause, this treatment rebalances on a physical level, like pH, and an emotional level, like stress, anxiety, and a sense of worthlessness. Just as arthritis and much back and neck pain is attributed to emotional inflammation, financial worries, or stress, the Release treatment contributes to the removal of what is causing these signals.
After you have achieved a Pure treatment scan showing you are in the normal range and able to expel the blocks and imbalances causing issues, you can choose from these options for a focus for further treatments.
I can scan you for all 128+ programs and the highest needs (usually about 5) will show up. Those five will be treated during your session.
If you prefer to choose a section to focus on (in bold), I can do a scan and find the top issues and you will then be treated during our session for the top priorities of that section.
If you do not see what you want, let me know and I can design a specific program for you. For example, I have incorporated treatments based on:
a. Grabovoi numbers: a numerical coding system to bring abundance, wealth, love, relationship, etc. You can find examples of Grabovoi recorded treatments on Spotify.
b. The Solfeggio Frequencies used for healing
c. Rife frequencies used for cancer treatment
d. MMS (Chlorine Dioxide and Activator used in the treatment of Covid)
e. Covid, Testing, and Vaccine imbalances: involves the energetic frequencies of supplements researched from the top medical studies presently used by Dr. Zelenko and others
f. Extensive weight treatment: nutrient needs, skin elasticity, Meridian 1 (fatty degeneration), psyche balance, vital substance (micronutrient needs), homeopathic needs, deep cleanse (includes digestive issues), fitness issues
PAIN / PSYCHE. (all issues in this section are scanned and included in treatment if imbalanced)
• Chronic Pain - Treatment of chronic pain via the CNS (central nervous system)
• Chronic Back pain - Local treatment of chronic back pain
• Tooth-Jaw local - Local supportive treatment of pain in the mouth area
• Joints local - Local treatment of joint pain
• Migraine - Cranial (head side) treatment of migraine
• Insomnia - Supportive treatment of insomnia via the CNS
• Depression - Supportive treatment of insomnia via the CNS
• Anxiety - Supportive treatment of depression via the CNS
LEARNING (all issues in this section are scanned and included in treatment if imbalanced)
• Learning system. - Bioenergetic activation of the central nervous system
• Learning acute - Supports learning through cranial stimulation
• Memory - Energetic stimulation of the brain metabolism
• Concentration system. - Bioenergetic optimization of the oxygen supply
• Concentration acute - Supports concentration via cranial stimulation
• Exam system. - Support before exams through cranial stimulation
• Exam acute - Energetic balancing of anxiety before tests
• Stress system. - Mental balancing and bioenergetic stimulation of creative power
• Stress acute - Supports mood improvement via cranial stimulation
FITNESS (all issues in this section are scanned and included in treatment if imbalanced)
• Weight- Bioenergetic stimulation of the emunctories (excretion organs and systems)
• Muscle - Bioenergetic optimization of cell regeneration
• Circulation - Bioenergetic support of the metabolic supply
• Performance - Energetic activation of life energy
• Strength - Bioenergetic activation of the musculoskeletal system
• Stamina - Bioenergetic optimization of the cardiovascular system
• Regeneration - Bioenergetic stimulation of vitality
• Deep relaxation - Bioenergetic optimization of the relaxation phase
SLEEP (all issues in this section are scanned and included in treatment if imbalanced)
• Sleep system. - Bioenergetic optimized changing into delta state (deep sleep)
• Bed rest - Bioenergetic promotion of parasympathetic functions (recovery, relaxation)
• Balanced Sleep - Bioenergetic balancing of the deep sleep phase
• Fine flow - Bioenergetic activation through ionic movement in the body
JOB (all issues in this section are scanned and included in treatment if imbalanced)
• Activation - Bioenergetic stimulation of mental clarity
• Positive thoughts - Energetic orientation towards positive thoughts
• Balance Nerves - Bioenergetic promotion of the beta state
• Fatigue - Energetic reduction of strains
• Exhaustion system. - Bioenergetic balancing of the adrenal hormones
• Exhaustion acute - Supports stress resistance via cranial stimulation
• Extreme Stress - Bioenergetic support of mental and physical balance
MENTAL BALANCE (all issues in this section are scanned and included in treatment if imbalanced)
• Inner Strength system. - Energetic promotion of self-confidence in case of anxiety
• Emotional Well-being - Energetic balancing of emotional blockages
• Feel good system. - Energetic activation of confidence in cases of dejection
• Contentment system. - Energetic balancing of the inner centering in addictive and compensatory behavior
• Contentment acute - Supports inner balance via cranial stimulation in cases of nicotine addiction
• Inner Unity - Energetic reorganization of the psychic wholeness
• Well-being Soul - Energetic balancing of compulsive behavior
• Mental balance acute - Supports mental balance via cranial stimulation
BEAUTY (all issues in this section are scanned and included in treatment if imbalanced)
• Inner Beauty - Supporting the coherence and emanation of the energetic field
• Aging - Bioenergetic support of the cell organelles (i.e. the “organs” within the cell)
• Hair - Bioenergetic stimulation of the follicles
• Skin - Bioenergetic fostering of the epidermis
• Nails - Bioenergetic stimulation of the nail bed
• Skin elasticity - Bioenergetic promotion of the lymphatic system
SKIN (all issues in this section are scanned and included in treatment if imbalanced)
• Support Wounds system. - Supports the cells through local stimulation
• Support Wounds local - Bioenergetic stimulation of the cell metabolism
• Acne system. - Bioenergetic promotion of toxin transport
• Scars system. - Balancing energetic interference fields in scars
• Scars local - Local stimulation of scar tissue
BIOENERGETIC BALANCE 1 (all issues in this section are scanned and included in treatment if imbalanced)
• Immune system - Activation of the body’s bioenergetic defense system
• Cold - Bioenergetic calming of the mucous membranes
• Allergies - Bioenergetic balancing of allergic reactions
• Eyes - Energetic balancing of the retina
• Hormones - Bioenergetic Balancing the release of hormones
• Intestine - Bioenergetic stimulation of the intestinal peristalsis
• Nerves - Bioenergetic regulation of the nervous system
• Flexibility - Bioenergetic mobilization of the joints
• Circulatory System - Bioenergetic stimulation of the body’s energy supply
• Potency - Bioenergetic stimulation of the reproductive organs
• Menopause - Bioenergetic regulation of hormonal balance
• Menstruation local - Local relaxation of the lower abdomen
BIOENERGETIC BALANCE 2 (all issues in this section are scanned and included in treatment if imbalanced)
• Gastrointestinal - Energetic balancing of the gastrointestinal tract
• Bacteria - Balancing of the bioenergetic defense system
• Tonsils - Energetically balancing the immune system in cases of infections
• Liver function - Bioenergetic promotion of liver metabolism
• Intolerances - Bioenergetic fostering of food tolerance
• Toxins - Bioenergetic stimulation of the body’s excretory processes
• Head - Bioenergetic reduction of tensions Prostate Energetic support of the prostate gland
• Lung function - Bioenergetic optimization of the lung function
• Thyroid gland - Bioenergetic regulation of the thyroid function
• Joints-Bones - Bioenergetic stimulating the excretion of metabolites
• Sciatica local - Local stimulation of the sciatic
MERIDIAN 1 (all issues in this section are scanned and included in treatment if imbalanced)
• Allergy Meridian - Energetic desensitization of the energy flow
• Connective Tissue - Energy regulation of the connective tissue
• Bladder - Regulation of bladder energy control
• Large intestine - Harmonizing the energy field of the large intestine
• Small intestine - Harmonizing the energy control of the small intestine
• Fatty degeneration - Energetic regulation of cell uptake
• Gallbladder - Energetic regulation of the digestion of fat
• Joints - Energetic balancing of flexibility
• Skin - Energetic promotion of the energy pathways of the skin
• Heart - Energetic stimulation of the heart energy
MERIDIAN 2 (all issues in this section are scanned and included in treatment if imbalanced)
• Hormonal - balance Energetic hormone balancing
• Circulation - Energetic regulation of blood circulation
• Liver - Energetic metabolism regulation
• Lungs - Energetic balancing of the respiratory system
• Lymphatic system - Energetic regulation of the lymphatic system
• Stomach - Energetic harmonization of the gastric function
• Spleen-pancreas - Stimulation of the energy field of the spleen and pancreas
• Nerve Meridian - Energetic harmonization of the nerve function
• Kidney - Energy control of the fluid balance
• Organ Meridian - Harmonizing the energy flow of the organs
CHAKRA (all issues in this section are scanned and included in treatment if imbalanced)
• Crown chakra - Energetic harmonization of the topics of the crown chakra and connection to the higher Self
• Third eye chakra - Energetic harmonization of the topics of the third eye chakra and strengthening of intuition
• Throat chakra - Energetic harmonization of the topics of the throat chakra and promotion of constructive communication
• Heart chakra - Energetic harmonization of the topics of the heart chakra and stimulation of balanced empathy
• Solar plexus chakra - Energetic harmonization of the topics of the solar plexus chakra and strengthening of self-confidence
• Sacral chakra - Energetic harmonization of the topics of the sacral chakra and stimulation of creativity
• Root chakra - Energetic harmonization of the topics of the root chakra and activation of basic trust
PROTECTION PROGRAMS (all issues in this section are scanned and included in treatment if imbalanced)
• General protection - Energetic shielding
• Electro-sensitivity - Energetic balancing of the tolerance for so-called “electro-smog“
• Cell - Bioenergetic strengthening of the cell
• Mental - Energetic promotion of clear perceptual capacity
• Sleeping - Energetic protection during sleep
• Geopathy - Energetic reduction of sensitivity to interference fields
• Subtle - Energetic protection against external influence
• Planets - Harmonizing the influences of planets
DEEP CYCLE (all issues in this section are scanned and included in treatment if imbalanced)
We start with a cleanse application that covers:
Removing toxins
Stimulating excretion organs
Energetic cleanse of the bio field
Energetic cleanse of the emotional field
Energetic balance of the communication fields of all the above-focused treatments.
Step 1: Cleanse Application - this treatment is to cleanse. This will establish a connection and give you a feeling for the frequency application. The goal is to rid toxins and open the excretion systems of your body for cleansing. Complete energetic detoxification of the kidneys, lungs, liver, digestive system, lymph, and circulation system are paramount. This cycle might have to be repeated in order to remove hardened extensive blocks.
Step 2: Stimulation Application - After the cleanse has reached a pure level, the kidneys, digestion, and lungs are energetically stimulated. Hypersensitivity to food, emotions, stress, etc. should be reduced and a sense of balance should continue to increase.
Step 3: Energetic Detox Application - Kidneys, lungs, and heart receive an accelerated energetic rebalancing. This is to release old emotionally hardened toxins from the energetic body and mind.
Step 4: Emotional Balancing Application - There are energetic issues associated with the lungs and their surrounding organs, including the breast tissue, along with low-frequency feelings like anxiety, stress, and depression.
Step 5: Deep Issue Application - Once all essential bodily functions are working normally, we can go deeper into energetic causes on the mental level, emotional patterns, and biochemical processes that are associated with deep emotional issues. This program is only suitable after the readings from the other detox and balancing levels are within a normal range.
Step 6: Heart Mazes, Walls, Blocks Application - Heart energy supports circulation, rejuvenation, and the supply of oxygen to cells. Symptoms can manifest as irregular, unsteady, or weak heartbeat. Symptoms such as circulation issues, blood pressure issues, stiffness, varicose veins, can be balanced.
Note: One must not have any electrical implants, like pacemakers, for this work.
Step 7: Kidney female & kidney male - Urinary and reproductive systems are addressed, including the kidney, adrenals, bladder, ovaries, genitals, prostate, which can be balanced.
Step 8: Pure Calm - Contributes to inner peace, emotional and spiritual balance, and energetic muscle relaxation. This program supports the spiritual, consciousness, and meditative qualities of life.
Step 9: Renewal - Physical injury or pre and post-operation resolution are addressed. if an energetic regeneration is desired, we can stimulate bone growth, wound healing, nerve recovery, muscle damage, DNA restructuring, system balance, etc. This is suitable for athletes and performers who want to establish higher levels of health.
Note: Micro-current in-person attachments are not to be used if you have electrical implants (i.e. pacemaker) or if you think you might be pregnant.